Ayşe Yaren Kaya

Circa 2017 ***
  1. UGG Feel House 
  2. Personal Identity
  3. Tongues Manual
  4. Lavazza Rebrand
  5. Merge Festival
  6. Propaganda Series
  7. Pegasus Equestrian

  1. Yaren is a multidisciplinary communication/graphic designer based in New York and Istanbul. She is a dog person, an avid raggaeton listener & a sucker for a creatively utilized grid!


3. Tongues Manual


Fall 2019-Spring 2020
For Senior Thesis Project @ Parsons School of Design

Tongues is a typographic guide book that graphically explores the semiotics, phonetics, composition and philosophy of language through valuable works of Umberto Eco, Andrei Bely, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.

The incentive that catalyzes this project is the thought behind the default build of human body and how creatively generative it has been with the use of sounds, symbols, compositions and meaning of speech sounds we all so nonchalantly make each day under the name of spoken and written communication.

︎  The manual embraces a streamlined typewriter typeface as its tone of voice; which takes the reader easily through the twists and turns of the language via an iconographic custom design IPA (international phonetic alphabet) and another custom design pictographic mouth alphabet.
